Local garage raises money for charity

We hope to run more fundraising initiatives in the future.

Local garage raises money for charity

Employees from a garage in Maesteg have raised over £400 for charity by donning fancy dress costumes.

Staff from Maesteg garage, which is owned by Welsh fuel distribution company Oil 4 Wales, ditched the office wear recently in order to raise £495.50 for BBC Children in Need.

Employees dressed up in a variety of costumers including pirates, clowns and Elvis’ and paved the streets with collection buckets in order to raise money. The money raised will now go to support disadvantaged children and young people across the UK.

Ian Parkin, manager of the Oil 4 Wales Maesteg garage, said: “It was great to see all of the staff come together and raise money for such a fantastic cause. Everyone had a brilliant day and all of our customers were impressed by the effort we put into our costumes!

“Like our parent company, Oil 4 Wales, we believe in working with the local community and we are delighted that our loyal customers helped us raise the money. We hope to run more fundraising initiatives in the future.”

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