How to prepare your oil tank for winter


How to prepare your oil tank for winter

With temperatures set to plunge, it is “absolutely essential” that oil tanks are prepared for the winter, our expert engineer has warned.

Oil 4 Wales’s Ricky Hall is reminding customers to ensure their oil tanks are fault free, and topped up with heating oil.

He said: “With the weather getting colder, the last thing you want is to find yourself without heating at home. In order to avoid this nightmare scenario, there are a number of precautionary, but essential, steps you can take to ensure your oil tank is in good working order before it is too late.”

Here the engineer offers his top tips to ensure oil tanks are fully prepared for the big chill this winter.

Service your boiler

Many customers may be switching on their boiler for the first time as the temperatures begin to drop. As such they need to ensure their system is prepared for the additional strain it will be placed under over the winter period.

We can provide a comprehensive boiler service to our customers to ensure their boilers run more efficiently, and to help prevent any unexpected break downs or issues during the winter season.

Servicing allows engineers to test for condensation, which could be in the tank itself, and in the filter. By carrying out these checks before the winter, we can try and stop filters freezing up and prevent unnecessary breakdowns and call outs.

Soot build up could also become problematic for those with oil-fired boilers, so ensure it’s thoroughly inspected as this could lead to a carbon monoxide leak which can be extremely dangerous if undetected over long periods.

Check for damage

External and physical damage to the tank can cause considerable issues in the colder weather.

Small cracks to the base of the tank and rust may seem insignificant at first, however these could quickly become extremely serious and impede the boiler functioning.

As such, care should also be paid to any small cracks to the base of the tank or pipes leading to it. While these may initially appear too small to create an issue, these cracks can expand in the winter and increase the likelihood of oil leaks.

Alongside issues for the homeowner, cracks could also lead to leakages which could create serious environmental issues.

Fixing any problem areas ahead of the colder weather is advised to ensure you can continue receiving you oil supply and remain hassle free during winter. Tank maintenance and checks can be carried out by our engineers during your annual servicing.

In terms of damage to the tank itself, look for tank bulging, cracks, rust, loose or damaged caps and filling points. These could have a significantly detrimental effect of left to continue. Issues such as these could lead to serious boiler damage and pipe blockages, which would have a hugely detrimental effect in the colder weather.

Monitor your levels

Ensuring your heating oil levels are sufficient ahead of the winter period is essential to preventing a loss of vital supplies.

However, gauging how much is left can be problematic. Thankfully we provide the Apollo Infinity Automatic heating oil top-up service, which supports you in monitoring your oil levels and usage all year round.

Thanks to this device, which is fitted by our expert engineers, you can easily check your consumption, current levels, and through the additional app, can be notified when your supplies need to be replenished.

The Apollo Infinity can also notify you of any potential theft of oil or leaks which may lead to a sudden loss of oil over the winter period.

Read more on the Apollo Infinity here: The Apollo Infinity

Prevent theft

Security locks and equipment protecting your tank are more vital than ever during winter.

Tanks are increasingly at risk from fuel theft during the colder months, and as such all locks should be in good working order.

Tank locks should be thoroughly lubricated ahead of the winter season if there is any concern that this may seize up and leave the tank vulnerable.

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